Who will be the youngest women ever elected to Congress? Meet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Abby Finkenauer.

Meet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democratic candidate for Congress, NY CD 14.

“Women like me aren't supposed to run for office," said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in her campaign video.

But she did run—and she did win. The 28-year-old first-time candidate defeated 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York's 14th district in its primary yesterday, securing a stunning win for the anti-establishment, progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

Alexandria will run against a Republican novice, Anthony Pappas in November when she will still be 28.

She now has her opponent's support too. Joe Crowley and every person who truly cares about America wants #BlueWave2018

If you would like to contribute to Alexandra’s election, here is the LINK.

Meet Abby Finkenauer, Democratic candidate for Congress, IA CD 14.

Yesterday, at age 29, Abby might have been the youngest woman, ever elected to Congress. Thanks to Alexandria's win yesterday, Abby will hopefully be the second youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

Abby Finkenauer is a two-term Iowa state representative, with a proven track record of standing up for hard working Iowans and progressive causes. She won her Democratic Primary by 66% against three (3) other Democratic challengers.

She is running to unseat a multi-millionaire, extreme GOP Freedom Caucus Member who has been labeled by Roll Call “the most vulnerable incumbent in the House."

President Obama won this district in 2008 and again in 2012 by more than 20%. Trump won in 2016 by merely 3%.

Polling shows Abby in the lead and IA-01 as one of the top targets for Democrats to pick up this cycle.

Abby has already proved herself a successful fund-raiser with more than $1.1 million dollars raised for this campaign, but her opponent's personal wealth make this race a tough fight. She can win but she needs our support.

If you want to donate to Abby's campaign and turn Iowa CD1 Blue, here is the LINK.


Register Voters. Vote. Get out the Vote. Volunteer. Donate.

ElectWomen #BlueWave2018


June 27, 2018

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