Watch Joe Biden’s full Memorial Day Address at Arlington National Cemetery.

Watch Joe Biden's Memorial Day Address at Arlington National Cemetery. Kamala, back from the Naval Academy, where she spoke at commencement and also visited John McCain's grave, was also there, paying tribute to our heroes, and Democracy. Watch! Share!

Watch Joe Biden's full 2021 Memorial Day address

May 31, 2021

June 1, 2021

Voices4America Post Script. This happened too on Memorial Day weekend, from Heather Cox Richardson:

This weekend, a QAnon conference in Dallas, Texas, featured Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn and Trump's former lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood as keynote speakers. Republican Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas and Texas Republican Party chair Allen West were also featured. They continue to insist, against all evidence, that Trump won the 2020 election.

Powell suggested that Trump could "simply be reinstated" as president, although she said she could not be sure Trump would get credit for time lost when Biden was in the White House.

After he left office, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak—Trump pardoned him—and has fallen more and more deeply into QAnon conspiracy theories. For months, QAnon supporters have been praising the February military coup in Myanmar that overturned a democratically elected government and calling for such a coup here. During Flynn's speech, an audience member asked why what happened in Myanmar can't happen here. The crowd cheered and Flynn replied: "No reason. I mean, it should happen here." When the video clip of the exchange went viral, Flynn's verified Parler account called the idea he had called for a coup "a boldface fabrication based on twisted reporting."

I the light of this report about Flynn, Powell and other supporters of THE BIG LIE, I urge you to watch Joe's speech again.

One more thing, This Memorial Day weekend, remember too, that Nikki Haley called Kamala "disrespectful" and "unfit" because she wished America a good weekend. Later in the weekend, Haley posted a beach picture of herself.

As to me, I share this tweet from Andrea Junker and support her point of view

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