Vote-A-Rama, Skinny Repeal and Tonite's Senate madness.

The health law debate continues on Capitol Hill, where the debate over the "skinny repeal" descended into disarray. It was a narrow measure to rescind parts of the Affordable Care Act. [The CBO says it will cause 16 million more to lose insurance and raise premiums by 20%]

Four Republicans said they'll oppose it [unless they are guaranteed it won't become law].

Later tonight, the Senate will move into a "vote-a-rama" — a marathon series of votes on amendments that could last into the wee hours. The New York Times will have live coverage once it starts. This video explains vote-a-rama, and the Times congressional columnist discussed it on today's episode of our podcast "The Daily."

Former Obama aides are leading opposition to the repeal, while anxious Americans are watching the debate with dread. "For us, this is not a game," said one woman whose 2-year-old daughter's leukemia treatment has been covered by Medicaid. (It was also the 52nd anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid.)

New York Times, July 27, 2017.


July 27, 2017

Addendum. Make calls, all night if necessary.

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