Trump's Tweets

Within 24 hours, Twitter Trump tweeted out 12 back to back and increasingly irrational tweets, brought about by the request for Recounts in 3 states.

By #9 of these tweets, he is talking about himself in the 3rd person ("Trump will be President") and by #10, he is mouthing paranoid ramblings of Alex Jones, about millions of illegal votes, to self-medicate and ease his inability to have lost the popular vote. In short, in this brief period of time, Trump once again shows he is unhinged, and unfit to be President.

Here are 3 responses to his tweets.

Donald Trump's latest deranged rant gives Electoral College more fuel for reversal… via @PalmerReport

From Tony Schwartz - Trump tweeting recklessly and inaccurately is not a political choice he is making, but rather a psychological compulsion.

From Stephen King..Anybody remember THE CAINE MUTINY? It seems that Americans may have elected Captain Queeg president.

See for yourself. Does anyone know a legal gambit that can save America? Can we have him declared insane!Email us.













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