The children will save us - student demonstrations across America to stop gun violence.

Report #1. CNN, February 22, 2018

Florida massacre survivors chant 'vote them out' as students nationwide walk out in solidarity.

Tallahassee, Florida (CNN)

From Arizona to Washington, students walked out of schools in support of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students a week after their classmates were silenced by gunfire.

And in Tallahassee, Stoneman Douglas students who survived the Parkland shooting massacre chanted louder than ever: "Vote them out!" Their words echoed through the hallways of the state Capitol, where they demanded a ban on weapons like the one used to kill their friends and teachers.

In a day filled with emotion and tears, groups of survivors of the Florida shooting and parents of victims stood feet away from President Donald Trump, Florida's governor and lawmakers. They pleaded for changes in gun law as the nation grapples with how to prevent mass shootings in schools.Stoneman Douglas students said they left the state Capitol feeling hopeful, encouraged, and disappointed."You need to change something before your daughters are the victims," sophomore Bailey Feuerman said to Gov. Rick Scott.

Report #2. The Week. February 21, 2018.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott seems to have quietly canceled his NRA Conference speech.

It appears Dallas officials aren't the only ones rethinking the National Rifle Association's May meeting in Texas. Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) was listed as a featured speaker at the NRA's leadership forum, Steve Bousquet wrote at The Tampa Bay Times on Tuesday, and his "office confirmed the invitation, but said no decision has been made on whether he will attend." By Wednesday morning, as a Florida Daily Kos diarist noted, Scott was no longer on the NRA's list of speakers.

The NRA calls its annual conference "a must stop for candidates seeking the highest levels of elective office," Bousquet notes, and Scott, a featured speaker at its 2017 conference, is one of the group's favorites. After Scott pushed through a number of laws loosening gun restrictions, the NRA gave him "its highest compliment, an A-plus rating, as the NRA flooded Florida homes with millions of mailers to help Scott clinch re-election four years ago." After last week's school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Bousquet says, "suddenly, the NRA's A-plus rating looks like an albatross, a potential drag on Scott's expected run for the U.S. Senate."Peter Weber

Report #3. Voices4Hillary Commentary, February 22, 2018.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott, NRA A+ Candidate, expected to run for Senate Seat in 2018.

Republican Florida Governor Rick Scott has worked diligently to rid his state of gun protections and to pass NRA favored lessening of gun restrictions. He is expected to run against incumbent Democratic Senator, Bill Nelson in 2018.

The kids and families of Parkland, FL and supporters and friends and family throughout the state may have other thoughts about this. Nelson and Scott have contrasting ratings from the NRA: Nelson has an F and Scott has an A+.





February 22, 2018

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