Stop Wringing Your Hands and Win This Race! by Shifra Bronznick

Shifra Bronznick is Co-Chair, Get Out the Vote, Executive Women for Hillary

Do you know how you contract pneumonia? Germs – the kind that come from being exposed to hundreds of hugs and handshakes on the campaign trail from the many people who want to greet the person who is about to become the leader of the free world.

Hillary Clinton is a candidate for President – she is not actually the President (yet) which means she has no obligation to share health news with a nation on an immediate basis.

Given that people can recover quickly and completely from pneumonia, why would it make sense for Hillary Clinton to make an immediate announcement of an ailment that might pass in a week, and when she was hoping to continue with her schedule?

Especially since she has experienced the full burden of what it means to have your personal life be scrutinized in agonizing detail – while long, thoughtful, essential policy speeches are virtually ignored.

Let's stop letting other people define what is important. Let's keep our eyes focused on what truly matters – from immigration reform to economic and racial equality, from human rights to women's rights: on all the great values that our nation is built on.

Hillary Clinton is an extraordinarily accomplished and effective leader with a powerful track record and the potential to be one of the greatest Presidents we have ever elected. We have to make sure she is elected and we cannot get waylaid by every manufactured crisis.

We have the power to win this election. We have the capacity to register voters, canvass, talk to our neighbors, friends and family and use our passion and our commitment to influence people to vote for the most experienced, dedicated and intelligent candidate we have ever seen.

So for those who care about making sure Hillary wins, stop wringing your hands and worrying. Instead, stay focused and strong, and use your resilience and grit to keep on doing everything you can to Get Out the Vote! If you do that, if each and every one of us just takes ten actions a day to support Hillary Clinton, we will win!

To Get Out the Vote in battleground states, contact Shifra Bronznick at


September 13, 2016

Addendum. North Carolina Early Voting by mail has begun. For more information about dates early voting starts in other battleground states, check the countdown clocks Here!

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