Stop Trumpcare. Call House Republicans and Make a Difference.

We can stop Trumpcare. We can protect health insurance for 24 million Americans who will lose their insurance if Trumpcare passes. We can hand the current occupant of the White House and his hateful, mean cronies a major defeat.

There are 237 Republicans in the House.

The bill needs 216 votes to pass, and none of the Democrats in the House have said they would vote for it. That means no more than 21 Republicans can vote against the bill, if it is to pass. Of the 237 Republicans …

137 Support the bill

52 Undecided or unclear

48 Have concerns or oppose

Positions are based on public statements by members, and may change.

Call your elected officials on the list below. Trump says they will lose their next election unless they pass Trumpcare. Make sure they know they will lose their next election unless they vote AGAINST Trumpcare.

If each of us makes 2-4 calls today and tomorrow, Trumpcare will fail.

Here is the list. Pick your politician and tell them what you think.

All House Republicans

Hard-Line Conservatives Moderate Wing


AL-1Bradley Byrne
AL-2Martha Roby
AL-4Robert B. Aderholt
AL-6Gary Palmer
AR-2French Hill
AR-3Steve Womack
AR-4Bruce Westerman
AZ-2Martha E. McSally
AZ-6David Schweikert
CA-1Doug LaMalfa
CA-4Tom McClintock
CA-22Devin Nunes
CA-23Kevin McCarthy
CA-42Ken Calvert
CA-45Mimi Walters
CA-48Dana Rohrabacher
CA-50Duncan Hunter
CO-5Doug Lamborn
CO-6Mike Coffman
FL-4John Rutherford
FL-12Gus Bilirakis
FL-15Dennis A. Ross
FL-16Vern Buchanan
FL-17Tom Rooney
FL-19Francis Rooney
GA-1Earl L. "Buddy" Carter
GA-3Drew Ferguson
GA-7Rob Woodall
GA-9Doug Collins
GA-11Barry Loudermilk
GA-12Rick W. Allen
GA-14Tom Graves
IL-6Peter Roskam
IL-13Rodney Davis
IL-15John Shimkus
IL-16Adam Kinzinger
IN-2Jackie Walorski
IN-3Jim Banks
IN-4Todd Rokita
IN-5Susan W. Brooks
IN-6Luke Messer
IN-8Larry Bucshon
KS-1Roger Marshall
KS-2Lynn Jenkins
KS-3Kevin Yoder
KY-1James Comer
KY-2Brett Guthrie
KY-6Andy Barr
LA-1Steve Scalise
LA-3Clay Higgins
MI-1Jack Bergman
MI-2Bill Huizenga
MI-6Fred Upton
MI-7Tim Walberg
MI-8Mike Bishop
MI-10Paul Mitchell
MI-11Dave Trott
MN-2Jason Lewis
MN-3Erik Paulsen
MO-2Ann Wagner
MO-3Blaine Luetkemeyer
MO-4Vicky Hartzler
MO-6Sam Graves
MO-7Billy Long
MO-8Jason Smith
MS-3Gregg Harper
NC-2George Holding
NC-5Virginia Foxx
NC-6Mark Walker
NC-8Richard Hudson
NC-9Robert Pittenger
NC-10Patrick T. McHenry
ND-1Kevin Cramer
NE-2Don Bacon
NE-3Adrian Smith
NJ-3Tom MacArthur
NY-1Lee Zeldin
NY-22Claudia Tenney
NY-23Tom Reed
NY-27Chris Collins
OH-1Steve Chabot
OH-5Bob Latta
OH-6Bill Johnson
OH-7Bob Gibbs
OH-12Pat Tiberi
OH-15Steve Stivers
OH-16James B. Renacci
OK-2Markwayne Mullin
OK-3Frank D. Lucas
OK-4Tom Cole
OK-5Steve Russell
OR-2Greg Walden
PA-3Mike Kelly
PA-10Tom Marino
PA-16Lloyd K. Smucker
PA-18Tim Murphy
SC-2Joe Wilson
SC-4Trey Gowdy
SC-7Tom Rice
SD-1Kristi Noem
TN-1Phil Roe
TN-2John J. Duncan Jr.
TN-3Chuck Fleischmann
TN-6Diane Black
TN-7Marsha Blackburn
TN-8David Kustoff
TX-2Ted Poe
TX-3Sam Johnson
TX-4John Ratcliffe
TX-5Jeb Hensarling
TX-8Kevin Brady
TX-10Michael McCaul
TX-11K. Michael Conaway
TX-12Kay Granger
TX-13Mac Thornberry
TX-17Bill Flores
TX-19Jodey Arrington
TX-21Lamar Smith
TX-22Pete Olson
TX-24Kenny Marchant
TX-26Michael C. Burgess
TX-27Blake Farenthold
TX-31John Carter
TX-32Pete Sessions
TX-36Brian Babin
UT-2Chris Stewart
UT-4Mia Love
VA-9Morgan Griffith
WA-4Dan Newhouse
WA-5Cathy McMorris Rodgers
WA-8Dave Reichert
WI-1Paul D. Ryan
WI-5Jim Sensenbrenner
WI-6Glenn Grothman
WI-7Sean P. Duffy
WV-1David B. McKinley
WV-2Alex X. Mooney

Undecided or unclear

AK-1Don Young
AL-3Mike D. Rogers
CA-8Paul Cook
CA-10Jeff Denham
CA-21David Valadao
CA-25Steve Knight
CA-39Ed Royce
CO-3Scott Tipton
FL-1Matt Gaetz
FL-2Neal Dunn
FL-8Bill Posey
FL-18Brian Mast
GA-8Austin Scott
GA-10Jody B. Hice
IA-1Rod Blum
IA-3David Young
IA-4Steve King
ID-2Mike Simpson
IL-12Mike Bost
IL-14Randy Hultgren
IN-9Trey Hollingsworth
KY-5Harold Rogers
LA-5Ralph Abraham
LA-6Garret Graves
ME-2Bruce Poliquin
MI-4John Moolenaar
MN-6Tom Emmer
MS-1Trent Kelly
MS-4Steven M. Palazzo
NC-7David Rouzer
NE-1Jeff Fortenberry
NJ-2Frank A. LoBiondo
NJ-4Christopher H. Smith
NJ-11Rodney Frelinghuysen
NY-19John J. Faso
NY-21Elise Stefanik
OH-2Brad Wenstrup
OH-14David Joyce
PA-7Patrick Meehan
PA-9Bill Shuster
PA-12Keith Rothfus
TX-7John Culberson
TX-14Randy Weber
TX-25Roger Williams
UT-1Rob Bishop
UT-3Jason Chaffetz
VA-2Scott Taylor
VA-6Robert W. Goodlatte
VA-10Barbara Comstock
WI-8Mike Gallagher
WV-3Evan H. Jenkins
WY-1Liz Cheney

Have concerns or oppose

AL-5Mo Brooks
AR-1Rick Crawford
AZ-4Paul Gosar
AZ-5Andy Biggs
AZ-8Trent Franks
CA-49Darrell Issa
CO-4Ken Buck
FL-3Ted Yoho
FL-6Ron DeSantis
FL-11Daniel Webster
FL-25Mario Diaz-Balart
FL-26Carlos Curbelo
FL-27Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
ID-1Raul R. Labrador
IL-18Darin M. LaHood
KY-4Thomas Massie
LA-4Mike Johnson
MD-1Andy Harris
MI-3Justin Amash
NC-3Walter B. Jones
NC-11Mark Meadows
NC-13Ted Budd
NJ-7Leonard Lance
NM-2Steve Pearce
NV-2Mark Amodei
NY-2Peter T. King
NY-11Dan Donovan
NY-24John Katko
OH-4Jim Jordan
OH-8Warren Davidson
OH-10Michael R. Turner
OK-1Jim Bridenstine
PA-4Scott Perry
PA-5Glenn Thompson
PA-6Ryan A. Costello
PA-8Brian Fitzpatrick
PA-11Lou Barletta
PA-15Charlie Dent
SC-1Mark Sanford
SC-3Jeff Duncan
TN-4Scott DesJarlais
TX-1Louie Gohmert
TX-6Joe L. Barton
TX-23Will Hurd
VA-1Rob Wittman
VA-5Tom Garrett
VA-7Dave Brat
WA-3Jaime Herrera Beutler

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