I have news that many Americans are facing right now: my husband John has the coronavirus. We just got the test results at 7 a.m. this morning. While I cannot see him and he is of course cut off from all visitors, our daughter Abigail and I are constantly calling and texting and emailing. We love him very much and pray for his recovery. He is exhausted and sick but a very strong and resilient person.
John started to feel sick when I was in Minnesota and he was in Washington D.C. and like so many others who have had the disease, he thought it was just a cold. Yet he immediately quarantined himself just in case and stopped going to his job teaching in Baltimore. He kept having a temperature and a bad, bad cough and when he started coughing up blood he got a test and a chest X-ray and they checked him into a hospital in Virginia because of a variety of things including very low oxygen levels which haven't really improved. He now has pneumonia and is on oxygen but not a ventilator.
While this is his story and not mine, I wanted to let my colleagues and constituents know that since John and I have been in different places for the last two weeks and I am outside the 14-day period for getting sick, my doctor has advised me to not get a test. As everyone is aware, there are test shortages for people who need them everywhere and I don't qualify to get one under any standard.
I love my husband so very much and not being able to be there at the hospital by his side is one of the hardest things about this disease.
I hope he will be home soon. I know so many Americans are going through this and so much worse right now. So I hope and pray for you, just as I hope you will do for my husband. Meanwhile I am working in the Senate to get help to the American people.
From Senator Amy Klobuchar, Medium, March 23, 2020
March 23, 2020
Voices4America Post Script. I sent this to @amyklobuchar: "Thinking of you & your family. I hope he recovers and your daughter and you are safe and remain safe.” You may want to reach out to her too, expressing thoughts, prayers.
Share this. Sen. Klobuchar & many others need support!