Racist Trump may pardon infamous racist Sheriff Arpaio.

As Mr. Trump was [finally] delivering the kind of statement his critics had demanded over the weekend, Fox News reported that the president is considering pardoning former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a political ally accused of federal civil rights violations for allegedly mistreating prisoners, many of them black and Hispanic.

"I am seriously considering a pardon for Sheriff Arpaio," the president said in an interview Sunday — at the height of the controversy over Charlottesville — speaking to the network at his club in Bedminster, N.J. "He has done a lot in the fight against illegal immigration. He's a great American patriot and I hate to see what has happened to him."

This is from the New York Times, August 14, 2017


August 14, 2017

Addendum. Here is The Rap Sheet Against Sheriff Arpaio.


He embodies the racist policing of immigrants that the racist Donald Trump wants.

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