On a weekend of gratitude, watch Hillary - the Discipline of Gratitude.

Especially on this weekend of gratitude, remember who Hillary is. Remember this.

Hillary answered Rabbi Spira-Savett at the New Hampshire Town Hall on Feb. 4, 2016. He asked- How do you cultivate the ego, the ego that we all know you must have, a person must have to the leader of the free world, and also the humility to recognize that we know that you can't be expected to be wise about all the things that the president has to be responsible for?" Hillary's answer surprised many, and showed once again what an amazing person and leader she is. Her response shows who she is. Watch this.

Share this. Grateful we have her and can catch a glimpse of what messages and spirit she would bring as President. In this, as in many other aspects of life, let us follow Hillary.

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