Mueller Probes iand WikiLeaks’ Contacts With Conservative Activists (Roger Stone and Peter Smith).

WASH­ING­TON—Spe­cial coun­sel Robert Mueller's in­ves­ti­ga­tion is scru­ti­niz­ing how a col­lec­tion of ac­tivists and pun­dits in­ter­sected with Wik­i­Leaks, the web­site that U.S. of­fi­cials say was the pri­mary con­duit for pub­lish­ing ma­te­ri­als stolen by Rus­sia, ac­cord­ing to peo­ple fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter.

Mr. Mueller's team has re­cently ques­tioned wit­nesses about the ac­tiv­i­ties of long­time Trump con­fi­dante Roger Stone, in­clud­ing his con­tacts with Wik­i­Leaks, and has ob­tained tele­phone records, ac­cord­ing to the peo­ple fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors also have ev­i­dence that the late GOP ac­tivist Pe­ter W. Smith may have had ad­vance knowl­edge of de­tails about the re­lease of emails from a top Hillary Clin­ton cam­paign of­fi­cial by Wik­i­Leaks, one per­son fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter said. They have ques­tioned Mr. Smith's as-sociates, the per­son said.

Right-wing pun­dit Jerome Corsi was also ques­tioned by in­ves­ti­ga­tors about his in­ter­ac-tions with Mr. Stone and Wik­i­Leaks be­fore a grand jury in Sep­tember, ac­cord­ing to a per­son fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter. Mr. Corsi de­clined to com­ment. A lawyer for Mr. Stone said he hasn't been con­tacted by the spe­cial coun­sel. Mr. Smith died last year.

Mr. Mueller's of­fice de-clined to com­ment.

Through­out 2016, Messrs. Stone, Smith and Corsi, who long worked on the mar­gins of Re­pub­li­can pol­i­tics, tried to dig up in­crim­i­nat­ing in­for­ma­tion about Mrs. Clin­ton, the De­mo­c-ra­tic nom­i­nee for pres­i­dent, ac­cord­ing to emails and some pub­lic com­ments. A lawyer for Pres­i­dent Trump didn't im­me­di­ately re­spond to a re­quest for com­mment.

Sam Nun­berg, a for­mer Trump cam­paign staffer who in­ter­acted with Mr. Stone, said he also was ques­tioned by Mr. Mueller's team about com­mu­ni-ca­tions he had with Mr. Stone re­gard­ing Wik­i­Leaks. New York ra­dio host Randy Credico also said the spe­cial coun­sel asked about his com­mu­ni­ca­tions with Mr. Stone and Wik­i­Leaks. Mr. Credico in­ter­viewed Wik­i­Leaks founder Ju­lian As­sange in 2016 and has known Mr. Stone for years.

The role Wik­i­Leaks and Mr. As­sange played dur­ing the 2016 elec­tion as the chief pub­lisher of stolen De­mo­c­ra­tic emails has been of en­dur­ing in­ter­est to in­ves­ti­ga­tors prob­ing Russ­ian elec­tion in­ter­fer­ence in 2016 and whether there was col­lu­sion with Trump as­sociates. Pres­i­dent Trump has de­nied col­lu­sion, and Mos­cow has de­nied med­dling in the elec-tion. The Mueller probe has re­sulted in more than two dozen in­dict­ments as well as guilty pleas by five Trump as­sociates.

Mr. Mueller's of­fice has be­gun shed­ding staff and has in­di­cated that key wit­nesses are ready to be sen­tenced, a sign that their co­op­er­a­tion is no longer needed.

It couldn't be de­ter­mined whether Wik­i­Leaks or Mr. As­sange are tar­gets of the probe or if in­ves­ti­ga­tors are pri­mar­ily in­ter­ested in those who in­ter­acted with the or­ga­ni­za­tion. As Mr. Mueller fo­cuses on hack­ing and Russ­ian in­ter­fer­ence, in­di­vid­u­als or groups who may have been in­volved could be ex­posed to charges such as con­spir­acy to aid in a hack­ing op­er­a­tion.

A July in­dict­ment of 12 Russ­ian mil­i­tary in­tel­li­gence of­fi­cers that de­rived from the spe­cial coun­sel's in­ves­ti­ga­tion al­leged that Wik­i­Leaks ob-tained stolen ma­te­r­ial from Russ­ian mil­i­tary in­tel­li­gence through an on­line per­sona known as Guc­cifer 2.0. Much of that ma­te­r­ial was hacked in the spring of 2016, ac­cord­ing to the spe­cial coun­sel.

Wik­i­Leaks didn't re­spond to a re­quest for com­ment. Mr. As­sange has said that Rus­sia wasn't the source of the emails.

The scru­tiny of ac­tiv­i­ties re­lated to Wik­i­Leaks sug­gests in­ves­ti­ga­tors be­lieve the or­ga­ni­za­tion's im­por­tance to the Rus­sia probe may ex­tend be­yond its deal­ings with Guc­cifer 2.0. A list of ques­tions Mr. Mueller wanted Mr. Trump to an­swer and gave to the pres­i­dent's le­gal team ear­lier this year in­cluded one about the pres­i­dent's knowl­edge of com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween Mr. Stone, his as­sociates and Wik­i­Leaks, The Wall Street Jour­nal has re­ported.

Ac­cord­ing to the July in­dict­ment, Wik­i­Leaks re-ceived an en­crypted at­tach-ment from Guc­cifer 2.0 on July 14, 2016, that held "in­struc-tions on how to ac­cess an on­line ar­chive of stolen DNC doc­u­ments." More than a month ear­lier, on June 12, Mr. As­sange said dur­ing an in­ter-view with a British tele­vi­sion sta­tion that he had ob­tained Clin­ton-re­lated emails that were pend­ing pub­li­ca­tion.

The per­son fa­mil­iar with Mr. Smith re­called him re­peat-edly im­ply­ing that he knew ahead of time about leaks of Mr. Podes­ta's emails. The Jour­nal pre­vi­ously re­ported that in the fall of 2016, Mr. Smith told friends and wrote in an email that he di­rected hack­ers to give emails from Mrs. Clin­ton's pri­vate server to Wik­i­Leaks. It is un­clear whether hack­ers ever ob­tained the emails be­long­ing to Mrs. Clin­ton, which she had said were deleted be­cause they were deemed per­sonal. Those emails have never been made pub­lic.

The per­son fa­mil­iar with Mr. Smith re­called him re­peat-edly im­ply­ing that he knew ahead of time about leaks of Mr. Podes­ta's emails. The Jour­nal pre­vi­ously re­ported that in the fall of 2016, Mr. Smith told friends and wrote in an email that he di­rected hack­ers to give emails from Mrs. Clin­ton's pri­vate server to Wik­i­Leaks. It is un­clear whether hack­ers ever ob­tained the emails be­long­ing to Mrs. Clin­ton, which she had said were deleted be­cause they were deemed per­sonal. Those emails have never been made pub­lic.

In Au­gust 2016, Mr. Stone told Alex Jones, a right-wing provo­ca­teur who runs the web­site In­fo­Wars, that he had a "fore­shad­ow­ing" of the ma­te­r­ial that would be re-leased by Wik­i­Leaks. Days later, Mr. Stone tweeted that it would soon be "the Podes­ta's [sic] time in the bar­rel." Sev­eral days be­fore Wik­i­Leaks be­gan to post the hacked ma­te­r­ial from Mr. Podes­ta's email ac­count, Mr. Stone tweeted that he had "to­tal con­fi­dence" that Wik­i­Leaks would "ed­u­cate the Amer­i­can peo­ple soon."

Mr. Stone has since said the mes­sages were "be­nign" and that he had no ad­vance no­tice of the web­site's plans. He also has said his tweet ref­er­enc­ing "the Podes­ta's" was about the lob­by­ing ac­tiv­i-ties of Mr. Podesta and his brother, Tony.

It isn't clear to what de-gree, if any, Mr. Stone's and Mr. Smith's ef­forts were con­nected. Messrs. Smith and Stone had mu­tual as­sociates in Mr. Corsi as well as for­mer Wall Street fi­nancier Charles Or­tel, who was re­search­ing the Clin­ton Fam­ily Foun­da­tion, emails and pub­lic com­ments show. Mr. Stone said he wasn't aware of Mr. Smith's work. Mr. Or­tel said he wasn't aware of a re­la­tion­ship be­tween Mr. Stone and Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith re­ferred to his project as the "Clin­ton Email Re­con­nais­sance Ini­tia­tive." He com­piled a long list of busi­ness-men, ac­tivists, lawyers, re­searchers and Trump cam­paign of­fi­cials who he wanted to work with to ob­tain Mrs. Clin­ton's 33,000 emails. While many peo­ple on that list say they never gave Mr. Smith per­mis­sion to use their names, some were copied or named in emails cir­cu­lated by Mr. Smith in 2016. Oth­ers got un­so­licited ap­proaches from Mr. Smith they say they never re­sponded to.

Wall Street Journal, October 19, 2018


October 18, 2018

Post Script. This report from The Wall Street Journal suggests Mueller is getting closer. If we all do all we can do to create a #BlueWave on November 6, Dems in Congress will be there to help him. #DoAllTheGoodYouCanDo.#Midterms2018

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