Letter to the Khans by Ryan Kelly, Retired Captain, US Army

This message is for the Khan family. I don't know how to reach them, but perhaps someone out there does. Mr. and Mrs. Khan, my name is Ryan Kelly. I was a Captain in the Army who served in Iraq in 2004-2005. I want you to know that I honor your son's service and sacrifice. And I honor you and your wife's too. For the family goes to war with the soldier.

Your son represents the best that this country has to offer.

I have listened in disgust as Donald Trump and his surrogates besmirch your son, and your family 's religion. Overtly, or with reticence or with silence. Politics has abandoned all sense of decency, it seems. I know that you have been under attack for your remarks about Donald Trump.

I want you to know that I stand with you. As a veteran and as an American. I want you to know that this country is so thankful for what you have said; and considers the sacrifice your son made for us as sacrosanct.

Thank you for your courage to speak out. I am truly sorry for your loss. But keep fighting. Keep speaking. Keep telling the truth about Trump. And know that while you can not see or hear us, we are with you. Thank you again. Your son's and your own courage is inspiring.

CPT Ryan Kelly.

Vote Hillary.


October 30, 2016

Addendum. Captain Kelly spoke out against Donald Trump earlier in the year in a video that went viral on the internet. If you didn't watch it earlier, watch it now, or watch it again.

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