Laurence O’Donnell - “Source close to Deutsche bank- his loans have Russian co-signers.”

Source for this report- The Last Word, The Hill, Daily Community, August 27, 2019.

Laurence O'Donnell tweeted it too.

The co-signers seem to be Russian oligarchs. #TrumpTaxesNow


August 28, 2019

Voices4America Post Script. Perhaps gaining confidence by Trump-led And unprecedented Israeli refusal to allow two American Congresswomen visit Israel, Putin has now refused to allow two other Democratic Senators to travel to Russia with a Congressional delegation. This is again unprecedented- an insult to our nation.

Tensions between Russia and the Senate reportedly rose with Democrats urging Trump to keep Russia out of the G-7.

Trump, of course, seemed to have only one agenda at the G7- to get Russia re-admitted after it was thrown out for invading the Ukraine.


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