Jill Lafer, Board Chair Planned Parenthood.  What to Expect. What to Do.

Almost 2 weeks into the reality of President-Elect Trump, there is still so much heartbreak and fear for the future of our country. For 2.5 million women, men and young people, that means fear they may lose access to care at Planned Parenthood.

During the campaign Donald Trump promised to block patients who rely on public health programs from coming to Planned Parenthood for birth control. Vice President-Elect Mike Pence has for years waged a one-man crusade against Planned Parenthood.

And Trump pledged to appoint judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade - insisting that the right to safe and legal abortion is not "settled."

We have no reason to believe he'll changed his mind once in office. That means it's time to take action to make sure all people - no matter their ZIP code, income, race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status or political persuasion - have access to quality, compassionate health care, including safe and legal abortion. In the coming weeks and months, there will be more action to take - but here's where you can start today:

Donate to Planned Parenthood

The work to protect Planned Parenthood patients' access to care starts today. Your support helps so much.

Donate to support Planned Parenthood health centers: Planned Parenthood health centers are open, and they are continuing to deliver vital reproductive health care — like birth control, cancer screenings, and STI testing and treatment.

Donate to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund to help fight political attacks and strengthen advocacy for reproductive health and rights — like access to sex education; safe, legal abortion; and health care at Planned Parenthood health centers.

2. Speak Out Against Hate

Planned Parenthood's patients include many of the groups that the Trump-Pence ticket targeted: immigrants, Muslims, and others. They are Black, Latinx, and LGBTQ. Planned Parenthood's patients are from all walks of life, and they all deserve access to health care in a safe and welcoming place.

Wherever you are - whether on Twitter or around your Thanksgiving table - declare your rejection of hate and your solidarity with the communities Trump has attacked. Show that you believe every single person is deserving of respect, dignity, and equal rights under the law by supporting organizations working for justice.

·American Civil Liberties Union: Help the ACLU take Trump to court if he pushes unconstitutional policies.

·Color of Change: Join the nation's largest online racial justice organization.

·Human Rights Campaign: Help LGBTQ people get treated equally, everywhere.

·National Disability Rights Network: Advocate for people with disabilities.

·Our100.org: Take a stand with 100 women of color leaders.

·ShowingUpForRacialJustice.org: Now is the moment for white people to be bold and join the movement for racial justice.

·Southern Poverty Law Center: Make the promises of the Civil Rights Movement a reality for all.

·Transgender Law Center: Ensure all can live safe, authentic lives regardless of gender identity or expression.

·Trust Black Women: Report anti-abortion activity in the Black community to SisterSong and a Trust Black Women partner.

·United We Dream: Fight for relief and fair treatment for all undocumented immigrants.

3. Volunteer for Planned Parenthood

You can support Planned Parenthood with your time and energy in multiple ways:

Go to PlannedParenthood.org to sign up to volunteer with Planned Parenthood, or call your local health center. If you're interested in political activism, go to PPaction.org/volunteer to get involved with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

If you're in college, join Planned Parenthood Generation Action and become a leader in the movement.

4. Make an Appointment for Health Care at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood health center doors are continuing to stay open. Like always, every person is welcome to get health care at Planned Parenthood, no matter what.

You can support Planned Parenthood by making your next reproductive health care appointment at your local Planned Parenthood health center.

5. Tweet Your Defiance With #WeWontGoBack

Show on social media that you reject hate and refuse to let the next president roll back the rights we've fought so hard to secure.

Tweet your defiance along with the hashtag #WeWontGoBack. You can also retweet this #WeWontGoBack tweet, or share this #WeWontGoBack post on Facebook.

6. Sign Up for Email & Texts

Join Planned Parenthood Action Fund's email network to stay on top of the issues. The email alerts will also help you learn how to get involved with campaigns that advance and protect reproductive health.

Want text alerts? Then text "WeWontGoBack" to 69866 to join our Planned Parenthood Action mobile network. Standard data and text rates may apply. You can text STOP to quit at anytime.

The coming weeks and months will not be easy. But if we take action, together we can protect our rights and build the future we want for our country.

And now you have to stop crying and take action. That's what we do at Planned Parenthood.

Jill Lafer

Board Chair, PPFA


November 20, 2016

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