How Hillary honored Mother Teresa

In this June 19, 1995 file photo, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton met with Mother Teresa at the opening of the Mother Teresa Home for Infant Children on June 19, 1995 in Washington.

On September 13, 1997, Hillary went to Calcutta to attend Mother Teresa's funeral. The Times covered the story.

In a weekly syndicated newspaper column in Washington that week, Hillary said: "In the short span of a week, the world lost two remarkable people" in a reference to Mother Teresa and Princess Diana.

"Like so many others, I was left to wonder what we were going to do to keep the spirit of service they embodied alive," she wrote.

Mother Theresa and Princess Diana. They gave hope to so many.

Recalling her last meeting in Washington in 1995 with the Albanian-born Roman Catholic nun, she said: "Mother Teresa gave selfless service, love and, yes, peace to countless others." (source, NY Times)

On the occasion of Mother Theresa's canonization, we remember these occasions.


September 5, 2016

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