Hillary Canvassers Get Warm Welcome in Pittsburgh

Like many other people in America, my wife, Ariana, and I spent this afternoon knocking on doors. We live in Pittsburgh and we went with our two young daughters to Pittsburgh's Friendship neighborhood (one of 88 distinct neighborhoods in the city). The two streets we covered - Roup and S Graham - have beautiful large Victorian houses with big yards and staircases up from the street to bright front porches. The neighborhood is transitioning from one where each house contains 3-5 apartments to homes that are being rehabbed into large single family dwellings. We met one woman who had moved from Squirrel Hill to Shadyside to Friendship. She said she found more of a community here (and it's not just the name!). She was walking back from her neighbor's pool and she told us about the wonderful block party they'd had the night before. Everyone we met told us about the block party. One woman called it an alley party, and she said it was a great chance to learn where everyone stood via a vis Hillary and Trump.

Nearly all the people we met were for Hillary. Of those we spoke with, half were voting the Democratic ticket, and the other half supported Hillary but hadn't decided on whether to support our Senate, AG, and other down ballot candidates. We spoke with one Republican who called herself a political junkie said "I'd invite you in, but I'm preparing for dinner." She said she hadn't yet decided between the presidential candidates, and we were shocked to meet someone who thinks she is well informed and hasn't yet decided.

Many people we met thanked us for canvassing and several said they were also volunteering for Hillary's campaign. All in all it was a very positive experience.

Canvassing in Friendship, Pa


September 25, 2016

Addendum- Voices4Hillary spoke with Stephen Lewis.

As leader of the New Democratic Party in Canada, Stephen ran many political campaigns.

Stephen says if he could give one bit of advice to us all on how to secure Hillary's win, it would be this-

Knock on Every Door in the Nation.

Listen here. Then Do It.

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