Get Out the Vote! Hillary Wins. the deadlines you need for battleground states are here.

Registration deadlines are quickly approaching. Here are 3 ways to help

1. Volunteer at a field office for the campaign. Go to and look up your own state. Volunteers are needed to -Register voters - Make calls to recruit volunteers-Knock on Doors.

2. Do you live in or near one of the states above?

Plan a day trip or an extended trip.

Reach out to friends in these states and encourage them to register or remind others to register.

Post the image from this article on your own Facebook page or in Facebook Groups to which you belong with a reminder to register and a plea to share.

3 . Be your own campaign.

Ask 3 people a day if they are registered - the cashier at the Supermarket - the police officer you see on the street-the postal worker - the gas station attendant -- the people in the toll booth --friends -family -everyone!.

Start today and do this until registration ends.

Maybe make up an index card to give to anyone who says no with this link. written on it. Try the link yourself.

Your card should say People can check their registration or register to vote through the takes 3 minutes.

Here's the card I give away -- just a sample for you to duplicate or not.

I am happy to engage them as to why Hillary is the choice for them, but that is another matter.

Finally. here too is the link to DemList for the key registration dates.

Here are the Battleground State Registration dates again. Two more things too - In Iowa, thanks to early voting, people can register to vote and vote at the same time, if they choose. North Carolina ONE STOP EARLY VOTING starts on October 20 and ends on November 7.

Hillary does everything a candidate can. She will continue to do that. The rest is up to us. We are her ground-game. #ImWithHer.


September 30, 2016

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