Callers urged to flood the Senate switchboard to demand witnesses and evidence.

Callers urged to flood the Senate switchboard to demand witnesses and evidence.

Senator Brian Schatz, Democrat of Hawaii, on Tuesday urged people to flood the Senate switchboard with calls demanding that senators allow new witnesses and evidence to be considered as part of the impeachment trial of President Trump.

"202-224-3121 is the number and ask for witnesses and documents," Mr. Schatz wrote on Twitter.

The social media request was part of a Democratic effort to attack the trial rules proposed by Republicans as part of a "cover-up" designed to move the impeachment trial to a rapid acquittal of the president.Democrats are hoping that the public will pressure Republicans to alter their proposed rules, which would condense arguments to just two days for each sides and postpone votes on witnesses until after arguments and questions from senators.

A new poll from CNN found that 69 percent of Americans believe that the impeachment trial should include new witnesses and evidence that were not part of the House inquiry that led to the president's impeachment.

New York Times, January 21, 2020


January 21, 2020

Voices4America Post Script. 202-224-3121 is the number and ask for witnesses and documents. Share this if you care about #Democracy

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