Breaking news video - Nancy Pelosi Refers To Mitch McConnell As "Moscow Mitch.”

During a speech at the Illinois Democrat County Chairs' Association brunch, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as "Moscow Mitch," drawing on a nickname that has been floating around for a few weeks attempting to tie McConnell to Russia. She says McConnell is the self-described "grim reaper" of progressive legislation, including that which addresses election security.

"We all want to invest in building our democracy and saving it from any enemies, foreign and domestic," Pelosi said. "We've sent our legislation to the Senate. Moscow Mitch says that he is the Grim Reaper. Imagine describing yourself as the Grim Reaper, that he's going to bury all this legislation? Well, we have news for him. All this legislation is alive and well in the general public."

Here is the Pelosi speech.

Moment Nancy Pelosi Moscow Mitch McConnell #Grimreaper Joke

Tim Haines, The Hill, August 14, 2019


August 15, 2019

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