After She Wins by Eve Ellis

I have known for quite a while that I will cry on Election night.

When Hillary wins the election to become our President, she will win for all of us. --for women, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants, 4-Star families, veterans, disabled, Jews, the list goes on of the Trump-Insulteds. (I don't have room here to name all of them).

I will cry because I have waited a long time for a woman to become President of the United States. And for this woman to become President of the United States.

To quote Louis C.K., "I would take her over anyone."

But I will also cry because I fear the worst from what I've witnessed.

I have watched people stand by Trump through his talk beyond his disgusting insults--his racist talk, anti-Muslim talk, and scary sexual assault talk, his plan to jail his opponent talk, his encouragement for "2nd Amendment" supporters talk, his rigged election talk, and his threat not to support the results of an American election talk.

I have watched angry white men who feel displaced by women and minorities

I have watched the media choose ratings over accuracy.

I have watched elected officials speak of "impeachment" before an election.

Never mind that I will cry because I fear her life is in danger. (When you incite violence among people with guns, it can lead to serious no good.)

I will cry because I know they all will try not to give her a chance.

But then I will remember something i and we all sometimes forget.

I know if anyone can compartmentalize and get work done, it's Hillary. If anyone can enter the den with her enemies and emerge with a smile afterwards, it's Hillary.

You and I all know if anyone can beat the odds, it's Hillary.

America will be in the best hands. It's Hillary.

I will smile.

#Hillary2016 #VoteHillary #VoteBlue


November 4, 2016

Addendum. If you want to imagine the unimaginable, watch this video. James Carville, always a great story-teller, imagines what would happen if Trump were elected. Scary.

Work hard through Tuesday, as Hillary, Bill, Barack, Michelle, Bernie, Cher, and Beyoncé will. We can win this and use James' story for Halloween.

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